Our Team

The company's operations are overseen by a board comprising of a team of 7 well-regarded professionals led by the Chairman, Prabhat and Deputised by the Founding Director, Emmanuel. Three of the members have got Executive roles, while the other 4 are non-executive. The board constitutes of 1 lady and 6 males.

The Board

Mr. Prabhat Singh

Prabhat Singh

Chairman Board of Directors

Mr. Prabhat Singh is the Chairman Board of Directors of Ultimate Gas Professionals Limited. He is an entrepreneur with business acumen and interest in LPG, Energy Solutions, Agro-Business and the environment. He holds a B.com degree from India and is a chartered accountant.

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Emmanuel Mangeni

Emmanuel Mangeni

Managing Director

Mr. Emmanuel Mangeni is a renowned expert of the LPG business sector in the East African region; with over 18 years' experience in the downstream Oil and Gas/ Petroleum and Clean Energy sectors. He previously worked with Chevron and TOTAL as the LPG Manager, and was the Head of Sales & Marketing for a local business interest HARED Petroleum in the early 2000's.
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Nuwagaba Agnes

Ashish Shanker

Executive Director

Mr. Ashish Shanker is a seasoned Salesman and Operations Coordinator for a number of ventures and Business projects across the country including having sold a number of Fast-Moving products, as well as mobilising farmers and other groups for commodity production and sales initiatives in the countrysides including Mbale and its neighboring districts.
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Rashmi Kumari

Rashmi Kumari

Non-Executive Director

Ms. Rashmi Kumari is a non-executive member of the board; and she represents the interests and perspectives of the female gender across company decisions and operations.

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Patrick Halema

Patrick Halema

Board Secretary

Counsel Patrick Halema is the Board and Company Secretary for Ultimate Gas Professionals. He is an enrolled Advocate, Barrister and Solicitor for the High Court of Uganda, and the Senior/ Managing Partner of Halema and Company Advocates. He has over 15 years of legal practise, and is a certified member of the Uganda Law Society.
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Asumani Guloba

Asumani Guloba

Nominee Board Member

Dr. Asumani Guloba is a former World Bank Economist for both Uganda and Zambia; and holds a PhD and MA Economics from Dar Es Salaam University. He is currently the Head of the Planning and Research desk at the National Planning Authority of Uganda; and he leads the formulation of the country's 5-year National Development Plans...
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Frank Aggrey

Aggrey Waibale

Nominee Board Member

Eng. Frank Aggrey Waibale is a qualified and well-regarded professional Engineer in the local Oil and Gas sector of Uganda specialising in the Downstream LPG subsector. He is a member of the national LPG standards committee & has participated as the lead Engineer on a number of projects & studies including the one on LPG Promotion.
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Emmanuel Mangeni

Emmanuel Mangeni

Managing Director

He is a renowned expert of the LPG business sector in the East African region; with over 18 years' experience in the downstream Oil and Gas/ Petroleum and Clean Energy sectors. He previously worked with Chevron and TOTAL as the LPG Manager, and was the Head of Sales & Marketing for a local business interest HARED Petroleum in the early 2000's.

Sarah Achayo Oballim

Sarah Achayo Oballim

Finance & Administration Manager

Ms. Sarah Achayo Oballim is the Finance & Administration Manager of UGAS. She previously headed the Accounts as well as Finance & Administration roles of several NGO's including the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), the Uganda Women's Effort to Save Orphans.

Nuwagaba Agnes

Christine Auma

Sales and Marketing Manager

She is an accomplished, enthusiastic and experienced Marketing professional who has managed teams including sales forces for a number of local organisations including Solar Marketing company M-KOPA. She has also led teams for MOGO Loans SMC and is excited to be part of a new brand within the clean energy sector.

Rashmi Kumari




Mr. Prabhat Singh

Doreen Kirabo

Senior Accounts Assiatant

Anthony Bagalira

Senior Sales Executive

Nuwagaba Agnes

Julius Bwire

Senior Marketing Executive


Corporate Sales Executive

Marketing Team



Robert Mbazira


Frank Aggrey

James Elalu


Sarah Achayo Oballim

Fred Wangolo


David Wabwire


Micheal Agaba


Francis Emeku


Andrew Bugoba

Truck Sales .

Support Team

Babrah Ainembabazi


Joel Bwabye

IT/Social Media

Morrish Odoch


Frank Aggrey

Prossy Kabasambu


Sarah Achayo Oballim

Patrick Mukisa

Sales Administrator